$\vec{ a }$
\vec{ a }
The symbol "vector" is derived from the vectors.
$\overrightarrow{ AB }$
\overrightarrow{ AB }
To place an arrow above multiple characters, the notation "overrightarrow" is used (over + right + arrow).
$\boldsymbol{ A }$
\boldsymbol{ A }
Bold symbols, denoted using "boldsymbol," are sometimes used to represent vectors.
$( a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_n )$
( a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_n )
$\left( \begin{array}{c} a_1 \\ a_2 \\ \vdots \\ a_n \end{array} \right)$
\left( \begin{array}{c} a_1 \\ a_2 \\ \vdots \\ a_n \end{array} \right)
$\begin{eqnarray} \boldsymbol{ 1 } =( \underbrace{ 1, 1, \ldots, 1 }_{ n } )^{ \mathrm{ T } } =\left( \begin{array}{c} 1 \\ 1 \\ \vdots \\ 1 \end{array} \right) \end{eqnarray}$
\begin{eqnarray} \boldsymbol{ 1 } =( \underbrace{ 1, 1, \ldots, 1 }_{ n } )^{ \mathrm{ T } } =\left( \begin{array}{c} 1 \\ 1 \\ \vdots \\ 1 \end{array} \right) \end{eqnarray}
$\boldsymbol{ \rm{ e } }_k =( 0, \ldots, 0, \stackrel{k}{ 1 }, 0, \ldots, 0 )^{\mathrm{T}}$
\boldsymbol{ \rm{ e } }_k =( 0, \ldots, 0, \stackrel{k}{ 1 }, 0, \ldots, 0 )^{\mathrm{T}}
$\| x \|$
\| x \|
Combining the backslash "\" and the vertical bar "|" creates a double vertical line symbol "\\."
$\require{physics} \norm{ \dfrac{1}{2} }$
\require{physics} \norm{ \dfrac{1}{2} }
By using the "physics" extension, the command "\norm" can be used to create double vertical lines, representing the norm. The length of the vertical lines adjusts automatically based on the size of the contents within them.
$\vec{ a } \cdot \vec{ b }$
\vec{ a } \cdot \vec{ b }
$\vec{ a } \times \vec{ b }$
\vec{ a } \times \vec{ b }