$\let\divisionsymbol\div \let\oldRe\Re \let\oldIm\Im$


table simple

$\begin{array}{ccc} xxx & yyy & zzz \\ 1 & 2 & 3 \end{array}$

  xxx & yyy & zzz \\
  1   & 2   & 3

Using the "array" environment, you can create tables. The "ccc" aligns each value in the table cells to the center.

table with vertical line

$\begin{array}{|c|c|c|} xxx & yyy & zzz \\ 1 & 2 & 3 \\ \end{array}$

  xxx & yyy & zzz \\
  1   & 2   & 3 \\

By using "|" like the "c|c|c" specification, you can include vertical lines to separate the columns in the table.

table with horizontal line

$\begin{array}{ccc} \hline xxx & yyy & zzz \\ \hline 1 & 2 & 3 \\ \hline \end{array}$

  xxx & yyy & zzz \\
  1   & 2   & 3 \\

The command "\hline" is used to insert a horizontal line in a table. It is derived from hozirontal line.

table sample

$\begin{array}{c|ccccc} x & \cdots & -1 & \cdots & 1 & \cdots \\ \hline f’(x) & + & 0 & – & 0 & + \\ \hline f(x) & \nearrow & e & \searrow & -e & \nearrow \end{array}$

  x     & \cdots & -1 & \cdots & 1 & \cdots \\ 
  f’(x) & + & 0 & – & 0 & + \\ 
  f(x)  & \nearrow & e & \searrow & -e & \nearrow