$\let\divisionsymbol\div \let\oldRe\Re \let\oldIm\Im$


color text

$\color{red}{a \times b}$

\color{red}{a \times b}

By using the "\color" command and specifying a color name, you can change the color of mathematical symbols within an equation.

color text 2

$\color{ #ff0000 }{a \times b}$

\color{ #ff0000 }{a \times b}

With the "\color" command, you can also specify colors using hexadecimal color codes.

color box

$\colorbox{red}{ Important! }$

\colorbox{red}{ Important! }

By using the "\colorbox" command, you can specify the background color for a block of text.

color box 2

$\colorbox{red}{$a \times b$}$

\colorbox{red}{$a \times b$}

To include mathematical expressions within the "\colorbox" command, you can enclose the mathematical expression in $ symbols to switch to math mode.

color border box

$\fcolorbox{black}{ #00ff00 }{$a \times b$}$

\fcolorbox{black}{ #00ff00 }{$a \times b$}

\fcolorbox is a combination of the frame and colorbox. It allows for specifying the frame color, background color, and text content in that order. To write mathematical expressions, you can use the $ to switch to math mode.

color border box 2

$\bbox[yellow, 5pt, border: 2px dotted red]{abc}$

\bbox[yellow, 5pt, border: 2px dotted red]{abc}

The "\bbox" command is for the bounding box. It allows for more detailed customization in blackets, such as background color, margin, and style. The curly brackets is for the equation. The "\bbox" is not a standard command in $\TeX$.




By using the "\unicode" command followed by the Unicode character code, you can display a particular character in your text.

unicode sample

$\begin{eqnarray} \unicode{x5F45}\text{は、弓へんに剪。} \end{eqnarray}$


It's a sample using the "\unicode"