$( x )$
( x )
Parentheses, represented by "(" and ")", are used as they are and do not require any special notation or commands.
$[ x ]$
[ x ]
Brackets, represented by "[" and "]", are used as they are and do not require any special notation or commands.
$\lbrack x \rbrack$
\lbrack x \rbrack
The term "brack" is used as a shorthand for brackets "[" and "]".
$\lceil x \rfloor$
\lceil x \rfloor
By combining the ceiling function and the floor function, you can create a notation that represents Japanese brackets.
$\lfloor x \rceil$
\lfloor x \rceil
$\{ x \}$
\{ x \}
Braces have special meaning, so if you want to display them as symbols, you need to use a backslash ("\") before them.
$\lbrace x \rbrace$
\lbrace x \rbrace
You can also use the term "\brace" for braces.
$\langle x \rangle$
\langle x \rangle
By using the "\angle", you can create angle brackets.
$\left[ \frac{ 1 }{ 2 } \right]$
\left[ \frac{ 1 }{ 2 } \right]
When you want to enclose a large expression within parentheses, you can use the "\left" and "\right" before the parentheses.
$\overbrace{ x + y + z }$
\overbrace{ x + y + z }
By using the "\overbrace", you can add a brace above an expression.
$\overbrace{ a_1 + \cdots + a_n }^{ n }$
\overbrace{ a_1 + \cdots + a_n }^{ n }
By combining the "\overbrace" with the "^" symbol, you can add text above the brace.
$\underbrace{ x + y + z }$
\underbrace{ x + y + z }
By using the "\underbrace", you can add a brace below an expression.。
$\underbrace{ a_1 + \cdots + a_n }_{ n }$
\underbrace{ a_1 + \cdots + a_n }_{ n }
By combining the "\underbrace" with the "_" symbol, you can add text below the brace.